What's In It:

A powerful witch seeks another to help stop the vampires

Problem is, the man she seeks doesn't know he has power. the vampires do.

He's a Lawyer for a Corporate Firm - the very Firm that's suddenly acquired a blood bank run by vampires...and werewolves?

Sylvia has to uncover what exactly is going on while keeping her new ward safe, the vampires away, and her mind off how much she wants This Lawyer in her bed...


Urban Fantasy | Paranormal Romance

Keep up to Date on all things Sylvia!

Expanding Outlets and Individual Facebook Pages
So I'm on Goodreads (finally), I've updated my Amazon Author Central Page, and I've added separate Facebook pages for The Dark World, Judgment, and soon to be The Rather Depressing Tales of Patricia L. Bordeaux, and The Immortal's Guide. I'm expanding and making former maybe ideas into something much more concrete! If you're on Goodreads, […]
Understanding Writing Style
Being in a creative writing class has made me realize (if, only more so), my writing style and how it differs (and is similar to) my peers in the class. I've written short stories for the class thus far, two poems, and naturally, my inclination was to write, or share, my previously written work, or […]
Quick Post: Judgment Release Date Announced Soon!
So thanks to my lovely writing friend Lindsey R. Sablowski, I've decided to go ahead and publish Judgment, a novel I was originally going to wait until I'd finished The Delacroix Series to publish. Set for Spring 2013 (for now), I'll post more information about it as it arises. For now, I've posted a full […]