Category: Short STories

New 5-Star Review for A Night of Frivolity!
A good friend of mine read ANoF and reviewed it. The review is below copied from in its entirety: Kristina's review May 03, 13 5 of 5 stars bookshelves: 2013-goal-65 Read on May 03, 2013 As this was a short story, I will make this short... I thoroughly enjoyed this short story, and wish I could […]
New Review for A Night of Frivolity!
Jayme K., the author of Youth, read my ebook and reviewed it on Goodreads. You can read it in its entirety here, or simply look below: Jayme K. rated it 5 of 5 stars  Truthfully I don't liken myself a fan of Anne Rice or even much period piece literature, so I went into this […]
The Rather Depressing Tales of Patricia Lauren Bordeaux
The title's a work in progress, but is it not lovely? Haha that's the working title of a story I literally just started about a vampire living in 18th century England. It's a story of how she came to be and how she progresses through life. Written purely in diary-entry form type's my most glaringly intimate work yet. Up until now everything has been fairly safe in terms of action and fantasy and whatnot, but this...this shall be remarkably...raw.
Short Story: A Vampire’s Mistake Part 2
Vincent Vanhorne watched them step farther away from him along the street, his bright blue eyes narrowed. He had first thought to leave and return to the coven, indeed, he had already prepared himself for the stream of violent titles he would be called by his master once he returned empty-handed….
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Review & A Short Story: The Vampire’s Mistake
He had watched her for several nights now, all the anticipation to claim her boiling in his very blood. But he had to be patient...had to wait...for his master had several uses for the woman. Yes, his master wanted her to be his next "Child" as it were. And he, Vincent VanHorne was the one chosen of all the vampires in the coven to undergo this most precious task....
Super Short Story: Those Seconds
A college student awaits the end of time. 
New Shop
As you may be aware I've started a new shop on my website. You can click the "Books" link above or the links on the home page to reach the one item for sale so far:My horror short story, A Night of Frivolity. Along with this ebook is an excerpt of The Dark World: Book […]
New 5-Star Review for A Night of Frivolity
From Pally on Amazon! I was so happy when I got the eBook the moment I finish ordering. As I started to read the narration got to me, I felt like I was there watch everything from the begin to the end. The suspense was in each page as I read from the moment she […]
Today was a tough-ish day for me, what with the immense allergies, and the annoying eczema I've been graced with very recently. I went back to sleep when the boyfriend went to work, and stayed that way for 2 minutes, hating how I felt while 'awake.' After a while of this, I decided to wake […]