Category: General Life

Updates & Fuck Ups (Writing Them That Is)

As you can see, if you kindly click here, I've updated my Home Page. Added more information on my latest (and only) book out for consumption, and detailed that its to be a full-length novel. Long time readers will know that The Rather Depressing Tales of Patricia Lauren Bordeaux is a love work of mine, and although I've been on Chapter 1 for a very long time (how many years has it been?), I know once my contractual obligations are up to Permuted, I'm going to jump all over it like a Vampire jumping at a-

No, I lost the plot.

Anywho, I'm busy sitting here, staring at my screen, wondering what else I can do, that, for some reason, isn't writing. When that's the one thing I know I should be doing. Funny how that works at times, hm?

I’ve Been Through A Lot Recently

Whatever happen I know to keep my head up, and stay positive. Get to one thing at a time, and especially to not stress.

Better things are coming to me, I can feel it.  

For the Love of…

If one day, perhaps, I'm walking down the street and just one person comes up to me, book in hand, eager for a signature, or to pick my brain about the story, I will know I have made it in my career. Aside from the conventions, the bookstore book signings, the (hopeful) cosplays of characters in my books, I will know I've made a difference by being myself, doing what I've always felt is best, and doing the hard work I know is necessary to reach all of my goals.

My Review of Animosity by James Newman | Other Reads: Sad Wings of Destiny & Tentyrian Legacy
I recently finished Animosity by James Newman. I wrote up a review on Goodreads. But I will post it here for your viewing pleasure: Animosity by James Newman My rating: 4 of 5 stars The horror that exists when those you once said 'hello' to turn on you. It's even worse when you understand that they don't care why […]
Repost from So Excited! New Blog Posts Every Tuesday!
Quick little post:  I'm happy to have this website up and running. I'm going to start writing blog posts here every Tuesday.  Be sure to look out for them.  Edit:  I came home from a class tonight to a great surprise! Long time friend and something of a mentor to me,Ronald A. Moore, author of […]
Repost from Blood Talk; Blood Wine
Blood Talk; Blood Wine January 20, 2015  Today was a bit crazy - and by crazy, I mean York College crazy. Long story short looks like I'll have to take out a(nother) loan. Something I seriously didn't want to do - but hey, when life throws you punches, you roll with 'em, right?  Anyway, I […]
Cover Reveal: Thicker Than Blood by Lindsey Sablowski (EDITED)
THICKER THAN BLOOD is the third novel in the Magician's Series by Miss Sablowski. "Alaire Sencler is not the man he used to be. He left behind a foul and bloody past to be with the woman he loves, but the memories never allow him to forget what he did. While the White magicians rise […]
Good News!
So I gave my Creative Writing Professor my copy of The Immortal's Guide to hold because it was apart of an assignment to bring something you really care about to class. So he kept it over night and when I returned to class the next schedulded day, he told me he really liked it, that […]
Quick Post
I want better and so I'll have it.