S.C. Parris

Dark Fantasy Author

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Welcome to my Blog! Here you'll find posts about my life, inspiration I find on the way, and of course, writing updates, excerpts, and cover reveals! I'll even be reviewing books I read & Movies I watch. Grab your tea (or coffee) and stay awhile!

Ideas for Giveaways!

Two authors of the few I sent out manuscripts to have gotten back to me with their endorsements for The Dark World: Book 1, and so far they've all said the same:

It's a mix of Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles and/or Underworld for good measure.

I, considering I've yet to read Anne Rice's work at all, (though I have watched a few of the Underworld movies but never all the way through except for Rise of the Lycans which was my favorite), this is a huge compliment and I hope they like the next two books as well if they're inclined to read them.

Work, on another front, has been stellar, and I've absolutely devoured (pun intended) every task put before me and I see myself selling books for a long, long time to come. 🙂

After taking Xavier (my Siberian Husky for new readers) out to do his business, I had an idea that I would use each social media platform I frequent to hold giveaways conducive to the platform. For example:

My Instagram would have image-inclined giveaways.

My Facebook Page would have 'share this, comment, take a photo of yourself with book 1, answer this question, and sing a song while on your head' kind of giveaways.

My Tumblr would have 'reblog this and like this to enter' kind of giveaways.

Because I'm starting not to post the same things on each social media. Some days my Instagram is left alone while I frequent Facebook. At others, my Tumblr sees me reblogging everything in sight, sparking up conversations with other writers and readers, and at others my Facebook sees me sharing everything I can.

Even my Newsletter would have 'subscriber-only' giveaways right through emails.

I'm rarely on Twitter but my Facebook Author Page automatically sends things there.

So these are my ideas, what do you think?

And while you're at it, be sure to contact me or the lovely twistsoffate if you're interested in joining my upcoming Street Team. Those who are a part of it get lovely swag and see EVERYTHING FIRST (yes, even before those in my newsletter), and they get additional swag to spread around and pass on to others. 🙂 Check back here for when the Facebook Group is made so you can join it!

That's all for now, I'll be back with more random updates and book-related updates soon, I promise! For now, it's time to write Book 4!

With blood and love, 

s.c. parris

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What I'm Working On Next:

Title: Sinner Sharpe: Blood Reign

Genre: Dark Epic Fantasy

Wordcount: 100k

Planned Deadline: February 2024

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Read More:

The Tales of Sinner Sharpe: Dark Waters
This helped shape the nature of the story: Sinner is an outcast from this island. He has no magical ability, same as all from Othril, and when on the mainland, this lack of magical ability is apparent—he is ostracized not only because of his physical dark features, but his inability.
Gothic Horror And Inspiration
It was always my intention as of late, with Sinner Sharpe to delve into the horror he's facing--not physical horror--at least not yet, but the mental horror. He's seeing horrific visions, he's losing large gaps of time, he's being attacked on his ship (an already enclosed space) for weeks.
DRACULA is (finally) out in E-Book Format!
If you haven't opened your email by now (and why aren't you subscribed to the newsletter, yet?) then you don't know that DRACULA: Book 6, the final book in The Dark World series has been released!
‘Dracula’ is Live – The End of The Dark World series Is Here
It's been a wild ride since the start of The Dark World series with Book 1 back in 2013/2014. Naturally, a lot has changed since the first book (just read through the blog to see how much), and although this journey has been beset with trials, drawbacks, and more, I'm proud to say the series is finally finished. I feel free. Elated.
  • Sinner Sharpe Blog Posts
  • The Dark World series Blog Posts
Sinner Sharpe Blog Posts

Read More on The world of Sinner Sharpe:

The Tales of Sinner Sharpe: Dark Waters
This helped shape the nature of the story: Sinner is an outcast from this island. He has no magical ability, same as all from Othril, and when on the mainland, this lack of magical ability is apparent—he is ostracized not only because of his physical dark features, but his inability.
Gothic Horror And Inspiration
It was always my intention as of late, with Sinner Sharpe to delve into the horror he's facing--not physical horror--at least not yet, but the mental horror. He's seeing horrific visions, he's losing large gaps of time, he's being attacked on his ship (an already enclosed space) for weeks.
DRACULA is (finally) out in E-Book Format!
If you haven't opened your email by now (and why aren't you subscribed to the newsletter, yet?) then you don't know that DRACULA: Book 6, the final book in The Dark World series has been released!
The Dark World series Blog Posts

Read More on The Dark World series:

DRACULA is (finally) out in E-Book Format!
If you haven't opened your email by now (and why aren't you subscribed to the newsletter, yet?) then you don't know that DRACULA: Book 6, the final book in The Dark World series has been released!
‘Dracula’ is Live – The End of The Dark World series Is Here
It's been a wild ride since the start of The Dark World series with Book 1 back in 2013/2014. Naturally, a lot has changed since the first book (just read through the blog to see how much), and although this journey has been beset with trials, drawbacks, and more, I'm proud to say the series is finally finished. I feel free. Elated.
New Site, New Look, Same Ol’ S.C.!
Just a quick update from you to me!

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